Series 400
It is all done with the router! In Series 400 Bob and Rick show how easy it is to make 1 1/4" dados with a 1/4" bit. Design picture frames by stacking wood molds made from the router bits you already have and Italian Provincial legs on a versatile Coffee Table. A special China Cabinet with designer doors and mutton bars. The Square Table is a compact serving table with pull outs which extend four ways to create a large surface when entertaining guests. An interesting Periscope decorated with inlays as well as a beautiful Bell Mantel Clock. All this on Series 400 of "the Router Workshop".
401- Book Shelving

On this episode of the Router Workshop, Bob and Rick show the easy way to make simple shelving—using the Router of course! Use dados for the shelves. Use rabbets for the top and back. Use a round over bit on the exposed edges and assemble! It's that easy.
402- Picture Frame

Forget about expensive framing! Make your own! On this episode of the Router Workshop, Bob and Rick make the perfect surrounding for your beloved works of art. Learn how to run a classical mold, table leaf mold and a rabbet mold for design, then use a 45 degree v groove bit to make it all fit together.
403 - 404 Italian Provincial Coffee Table

One of the most popular woodworking projects is the Italian Provincial Coffee Table. On this program of the Router Workshop, Bob and Rick will show you how to fashion Italian provincial legs and cut decorative flutes and veins. Rick has tips on installing the lag bolt for the legs and different types of molds for the tabletop. 403. Italian Provincial Coffee Table, Part 1 The Legs404- Italian Provincial Coffee Table, Part 2 The Top
405- Periscope

Gifts mean more when they're homemade! This periscope is sure to be a hit-- at your loved ones next birthday. On this episode of the Router Workshop, the Rosendahl's show you how to make the required box joints, angled mirror blocks and how to make decorative inlays for a toy that will last for many, many years. A periscope for kids of all ages!
406- Waste Basket

Who ever said that wastebaskets couldn't have any class! On this episode of the Router Workshop, the heart waste basket! Bob and Rick take you step by step through: cutting hearts, tapering the edges, and cutting the holes on the ends and of course the required slots, spines and bottom.
407- Square Table

Here's a unique project…a square table with four pullouts! In one episode of the Router Workshop, Bob and Rick show you how to make and design the legs, create the four pull outs and how to secure them all in place! We'll take you through the plastic laminates used to finish off the table and assembly procedures.
408 - 412 Five Part - China Cabinet

Router Workshop fans are always asking for complicated projects made easy. This classy china cabinet is one we'll break down into five easy-to-follow episodes. Case work, facings, pattern cutting, one drawer that looks like two, glass and panel doors with patterned corners, mutton bars and much more. This five part complicated project is full of router tips for making the construction easy and perfect.408. China Cabinet, Part 1 Case work409. China Cabinet, Part 2 FacingsThe bottom rail of the top cabinet is pattern cut and then mortise and tenon into the stiles and top rail of the facing. This is Part 2 of a 5 part program.410. China Cabinet, Part 3 Drawer411. China Cabinet, Part 4 China Doors412. China Cabinet, Part 5 Mutton BarsOn this episode of the Router Workshop, Bob and Rick complete the work on this gorgeous china cabinet. They show you an easy method to create fancy grillwork to finish off the China Cabinet.
413- Bell Clock

Clocks and woodworking make a beautiful pair! Especially when Bob and Rick show you how. On this episode of the Router Workshop, rounding the edges, decorative feet, cutting the hole, shaping, coving and molding! A simple project for a wonderful gift. The Bell Shaped Clock is produced on this episode of the Router Workshop.