Series 1400
The latest series from "the Router Workshop".
1401. Boxes Inside Boxes

It is intriguing to open a box and find another box inside and yet another box inside the second one. This idea lends itself to creativity with the choice of wood and joinery. A simple rabbet joint and a double dado have been used to separate the lid from the box bottom. Of course, the trick is to size the boxes so they fit inside one another. A smaller box joined at the corners with a combination joint and a rabbeted lid can be used to store a deck of cards or other small objects. For router tips on building unique boxes watch Episode #1401 on the Router Workshop.
1402–1403. Dining Room Server

The original server was made of Teakwood. Box joints are used as the joinery in the casework and the drawers. A full-length drawer at the bottom is particularly useful for storing large tablecloths while the three smaller drawers can be used for mats, silverware and other serving necessities. A simple mortise and tenon leg system holds the server at a comfortable user height. Watch episodes #1402 and #1403 of the Router Workshop for details of construction in the Dining Room Server. 1402. Dining Room Server, Part 1 1403. Dining Room Server, Part 2
1404. Ash Door

Solid wood interior doors are hard to find. This solid ash door is made up of an outside frame of two-inch material with V groove horizontal boards inside the frame. A special tongue and groove bit is used with the router to mill the boards. Measurements and detailed procedures of the Ash Door are shown on episode # 1404 of the Router Workshop.
1405. Fireplace Screen

This antique screen was used to hide the ashes and soot associated with a fireplace during the times when the fireplace was NOT lit. The table/screen surface was usually wood covered with a silk patterned material and glass. When the fireplace was used to produce heat, this screen could be made into a small table to play games or have tea in front of the warm fire. A revolving butterfly support is rotated below to support the table/screen surface on the screen legs. The legs and supports are pattern cut with the router. Watch episode #1405 on the Router Workshop for details of construction of the Fireplace Screen.
1406-1407. Pole Lamp Table

This original maple table is designed for a position beside a reading chair. It comes with a surface to set a cup of coffee near at hand. The box jointed tray below can hold magazines or books. The lamp on the upright can be positioned in three different locations for maximum light. A hole and pin system ensures the stability of the lamp. Bob and Rick show router procedures for constructing the Pole Lamp Table on episodes #1406 and #1407 of the Router Workshop. 1406. Pole Lamp Table, Part 1 1407. Pole Lamp Table, Part 2
1408. Suitcase Stand

The suitcase stand folds for storage. It is comprised of four patterned legs held together with rails and top slats. The legs fold together when not in use. The cross pieces are heavy fabric straps that allow the legs to spread apart to make a light but sturdy stand on which to set a suitcase or other object. This stand is an excellent addition to the guest bedroom. Watch episode #1408 of the TV program the Router Workshop for details on the suitcase stand.
1409-1410 Travel Chair

There is no date on this chair but it has passed through more than one family in its existence, which attests to its sturdy construction. This chair can be unbolted to fold it flat making it into a traveling chair of years ago. The interesting pattern work in the chair back, which originally was done with a coping saw, is produced with a pattern, the router and guides. Router joinery holds the leg system together and supports the patterned back and seat frame that was leather covered. Build a travel chair or make them for the dining room by following directions in episodes #1409 and #1410 of the Router Workshop. 1409. Travel Chair, Part 1 1410. Travel Chair, Part 2
1411. Window Shutter

Shutters are used in many places in our homes. They can be closet or cabinet doors. They can be used instead of drapery for window covering or on the outside of the house for decoration of windows. A shutter consists of a framework with wooden louvers applied at an angle. We have chosen to make fixed louver shutters that open by swinging the shutter on hinges. In episode #1411 Bob and Rick show you how to make angle louvers for a shutter with the router and a mitre gauge on the Router Workshop
1412. Angle Leg Table

Angle legs are dovetailed into the rails to support this small table. Bob and Rick used white ash in episode #1412 of the Router Workshop TV program to produce this dainty side or occasional table that fits anywhere. Clean lines and beautiful wood add to its attractiveness. Fasten the top to the leg system with divots in the rails that hold the screwing hardware.
1413. Counter Topping

The router is the tool of choice for trimming, fitting and cutting laminates, counter topping and veneers. Bob and Rick show simple procedures with the router to make that counter top a professional fit. Manufactured marble cuts well with the router. A counter with a 45-degree splice can be professionally cut with the router. Edge trimming or inlaid wood in the counter edging is best done with the router. Watch episode #1413 for counter top tips and router procedures on the Router Workshop.